Fostering Blogs

Interesting Articles and Information
What’s the cost of fostering?

What’s the cost of fostering?

According to the Telegraph, the average cost of raising a child per year is £10,917, or £910 per month. However, there are also fluctuations between regions, with London unsurprisingly being the most expensive area. Costs are also thought to depend on the age of the...

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What are the benefits of fostering a child?

What are the benefits of fostering a child?

People sometimes focus on the difficulties and issues that young people face in foster care, but what are the benefits of fostering a child? We take a look at some of the most common benefits foster care might bring: How good is fostering? Placing children into a...

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Do you have what it takes to be a foster carer?

Do you have what it takes to be a foster carer?

If you have a spare room, or the kids have flown the nest, you might have considered becoming a foster parent. But what else apart from that space do you need to take on this challenging role? Can anyone do it, or do you need to be a special type of person? From the...

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Seven Foster Care Myths

Seven Foster Care Myths

Looking after other people’s children or Fostering is a very worthwhile activity. It can bring many benefits to young people and the families of those who foster. There are many myths that exist though about those people eligible to foster. Here are five that I hope...

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Challenges faced by new fostering agencies

Challenges faced by new fostering agencies

As the need for foster placements increases, the amount of independent fostering agencies has grown in response. However, as with all new start-ups, these businesses face challenges which must be addressed to prevent any impact on both foster carers and ultimately the...

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Budgeting Approach for Young People

Budgeting Approach for Young People

An Innovative Budgeting Approach for Young People in care. Sowing the Seeds of Independence early in Fostering       The author, John Barnes, is the Commercial Director at Synergy Fostering. With over 20 years experience of managing people and organisations, John...

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