Keeping Children Safe
One Simple Objective for us all
The Challenge – Finding a Match
Keeping Children safe from harm requires us all to act responsibly. This agency takes child safeguarding very seriously and our responsibilities to the children we care for is central to what we do. We must never forget that.
Matching children with a family is a complex decision. We encourage families to have an open mind about what types of children they can foster. Bear in mind that everyone wants to find the most suitable place for each child.
There are many factors to consider such as age, sex, ethnic background, religion to name a few, but we never lose sight of the fact that to keep children safe they will be better placed in a foster family tonight than where they are now!
The Solution – Foster a Child In London!
One of the most important things in the care of young people is providing them with an environment where we can keep children safe and secure. When we match children to foster families we try hard to really understand the needs of the child and the kind of family that is most likely to help. We talk with carers about the placement and how this might impact their family before placements are made, addressing issues and discussing any development needs.
Our role is to offer the most suitable match from our agency. The Local Authority social worker takes into account the child’s views and will decide from a number of options which suits their child the best. This process needs to be based on the best interests of the child. Afterall, we are all ultimately working for them and their wellbeing!
Could You Keep These Children Safe?
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Children Referred Age 11+
Children to Match per week
Foster Family Vacancies
Matches Needed
How Fostering Helps Children
Stay Safe
A family home should provide a safe environment for a young person that they may not have had previously. Foster children need to have their own room in your home. However safe and secure they feel, foster children still need space away from the situation they are in.
Achieve Economic Well-being
The disruption, often caused by previous instability, means many children in care change schools more often than most. Fostering provides a stability to allow young people to focus on their education. Living in a descent environment allows young people to learn to have a positive attitude to employment and community in later life.
Be Healthy
Children need to learn about healthy lifestyles and their previous childhood may not have valued that. Foster care provides an opportunity to nurture young people and teach them to look after themselves.
Enjoy and Achieve
Foster families enable young people in care to take part in enjoyable activites and family occasions that may not have been possible in their previous childhood environment. Sometimes the simplest things like sitting down with the family at mealtimes are a new experience.
Make a Positive Contribution
Children develop positive relationships in a family setting, learning self confidence and an ability to cope with life’s challenges. Young people learn the value of positive behaviour and law abiding habits.

- Planned Endings 95%
- Long Term Placements lasting over two years 45%
- Children in full time Education 96%
- Children with Positive Outcomes 96%
The Results Were Amazing
Through intelligent matching and the dedication of our foster families and staff we are able to help children and young people get a more stable start to life than they otherwise would.
We minimise unplanned endings and maximise achievement for young people. Finding them a place they can call home and helping them to come to terms with their lives helps them fulfil their full potential in life.
Some Examples of How We Keep Children Safe
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Contact Us With More
020 3713 7293